Engraving Makeup Brushes for MAC Cosmetics in Toronto

I have long been a huge fan of MAC Cosmetics since I was a teenager. Their Studio Fix foundation improved my confidence throughout those awkward growing up phase. Two decades later, MAC Cosmetics reached out to partner with me to celebrate their new Serum-Powered Foundation by engraving their 170S foundation brushes. I was so elated!

Over the span of 4 days, I engraved more than just the brushes. There were variety of lipsticks, pens, foundation bottles, perfume. It was fun having to engrave different surfaces and materials. The personalization addition on the spot truly celebrates individuality and self-expression for MAC lovers.

I also had the opportunity to try the new Studio Radiance myself. They matched my skin tone and I purchased one bottle myself. My honest review so far: such a good coverage that blurs my uneven skin tone but also feels super hydrating! By the end of the day, my skin was glowing (not greasy). My skin definitely felt healthy after too, and not drying.

Check out my Instagram highlights to see the behind the scenes.

The MAC Cosmetics team loved the activation so much that they had me engrave for their Influencer event too at Hotel X.

Thank you again for having me, MAC Cosmetics. Can’t wait for our future partnerships!