Live Portrait Illustration Event for Diptyque at Nordstorm Yorkdale, Toronto

Leading up to Valentine’s Day, I had to pleasure of live illustrating for Diptyque clients at Nordstrom Yorkdale, Toronto.

Lucky customers that they could either choose portrait or fashion illustration as I could do both! It was such a fun event. I mostly illustrated couples or mom-and-baby duo. Some customers are planning to gift the illustration for their loved ones (it’s for Valentine’s day event after all 🥰). I’m just elated that my art became their special gifts.

The live illustration was a complimentary after purchase so it definitely attracted people in. I am also obsessed with Diptyque candles so it was nice working on a table with my favourite scent next to me, the Do Son.

Check out my Instagram reel for some examples and see my Diptyque highlights for other artistic services I’ve done with Diptyque. Want me to draw at your events? Contact me here.

Toronto live fashion illustration artist for diptyque event in Toronto
Toronto Live Fashion Illustration Event for diptyque
Toronto live fashion illustration event for diptyque Toronto